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Prayer Request: in my weakness, He will be glorified.

I’ve taken on a task that is too big for me. Unable to ignore the relentless pull toward a particular song, I selected it to record. It’s too big for me. A melody line with a range that stretches the limits of my own, two possible harmonies and double harmony echos at the end. And it has to be ready in one week. There’s only one way that will happen.

“Never was a man more conscious of his own weakness, and of the gulf between all that he wanted to accomplish for Christ and all that he could, in fact, accomplish. Paul might have given up trying many times but for this marvelous fact: that whenever he reached a point in the Christian life where his own human resources failed, there surged through him a strength from beyond that nerved him and kept him on his feet. His own plans and purposes might peter out in frustration, but so long as he followed the will of Christ, the Spirit of Christ upheld him. He knew that from experience; therefore he wrote: ‘Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness.'”

What is a Christian?
by Leonard Griffith

I’ve got work to do. And a voice lesson at 1pm.

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