trusting God with my kids.

It’s not hard to trust God to take care of my kids – if I can just remember that He loves them more than I do. I frequently forget this.

Any feedback/suggestions on the editing is VERY much appreciated! Over time, I’ll be pulling down my current youtube videos and replacing them with shorter clips. This edit job is the first in my learning curve. I just wish the audio could have been recorded directly into the microphone. And the lighting. Ugh. I did what I could – the original recording was pretty dark.

3 thoughts on “trusting God with my kids.

  1. I have no expertise to offer on your video editing, but I really needed to hear these words today. Thank you!

    Lisa – me too. FavoriteSon has spring football practice every day after school and the nasty, ugly WELTS on his chest and arms the last few days… I’m so glad I’m not watching the practices. Every time someone took him down I would be – I don’t know what I would be doing, but I know it would embarrass him. I just keep praying for God to protect him. (by JSM)

  2. Some of the edits seem rather choppy…like the one between Finding Nemo and the clownfish dad part. What did you edit out?

    Tina – yeah, I cut out something about how I love Disney movies. I need to go back and look at that original section again. I was trying to keep the entire clip under 3 minutes. From what I’m reading 2 minutes is even better. I might cut the part where I say my son is just ending his freshman year. THANKS for the feedback!! (by JSM)

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