5 minutes for petrified croutons & other science experiments.

This post proves that I will do anything to distract myself while trying to get through the last half mile of a 5 mile catch-up walk on the treadmill at a 6.5 incline…

As usual, I don’t have time to devote a full day (or 7) to concentrated cleaning, so I’m once again applying my long time practice of microactions to tackle deep cleaning my kitchen.

The recent “worms in the fridge” episode has me focused on cleaning my refrigerator. You’d think that the shelf with the worms on it would get my attention, but no. The drawer that was so stuffed it wouldn’t open gets first dibs. I had 5 minutes, so I completely emptied and cleaned it out.

Includes emptying out the drawer (including the loose, petrified croutons) cleaning the drawer bottom, searching for science experiments and tossing them out, combining the contents of multiple open packages of the same items and reloading the drawer – leaving out the food that shouldn’t have been in there in the first place.

Here’s the photo documentary of this exciting event:

And my theory is that nobody really wants to see the science experiments that were discovered and discarded, but if I’m wrong, HERE THEY ARE.

What can you clean in 5 minutes?

fitness update: 6/14/11


If you’ve been around Compendium before, you know my goal: To be a good steward of this body God has blessed me with.

Even with the best of intentions, I’ve (once again) fallen behind this month. After a kick in the badonka donk butt from a few friends, I’m slowly closing the gap between my goals and my progress! I pray my lack of consistency, combined with my freakish self-competitive streak, will be an encouragement to someone!

June Totals as of 6/14 (SEE MY JUNE GOALS HERE)
Incline Miles Walked: 20 (should be at 28)
Flat Miles Walked: 2
Strength Training/Yoga Days: 0 (should be at 4)
2 Minute Planks: 11 (should be at 14)
Back Extensions: 130 (should be at 140)
BOSU Pushups: 120 (should be at 140)
Tricep Reps: 135 (should be at 140)
Oblique Crunches: 50 each side (not on the goal list, just working on the love handles)
Days Supplements Taken: 9 (should be at 14)
Fruit Servings: 16 (should be at 28)

June Daily Totals:
06/14/11 – Walked 5 (6.5) incline miles, 1 two minute plank, 10 BOSU push-ups, 15 tricep reps, 20 back extensions, 10 oblique crunches
06/13/11 – 1 two minute plank, 10 BOSU push-ups, 10 tricep reps, 10 back extensions, 10 oblique crunches
06/12/11 – 2 two minute planks, 10 BOSU push-ups, 25 tricep reps, 10 back extensions, 10 oblique crunches
06/11/11 – Walked 5 (6.5) incline miles, 40 BOSU push-ups, 2 two minute planks, 40 tricep reps, 40 back extensions,
                20 oblique crunches (each side)
06/10/11 – nuthin – I’m
06/09/11 – nuthin – gonna
06/08/11 – nuthin – regret
06/07/11 – nuthin – this…
06/06/11 – Walked 2 (6.5) incline miles, 20 back extensions, 30 BOSU push-ups, 3 two minute planks, 45 tricep reps
06/05/11 –
06/04/11 – Walked 4 (6.5) incline miles, 30 back extensions, 20 BOSU push-ups, 2 two minute forearm planks
06/03/11 –
06/02/11 – Walked 4 (6.5) incline interval miles, 2 one minute superman, 2 two minute forearm plank.
06/01/11 –