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conversations with a born-again atheist: the beginning

I have to admit. I prayed for this. I think. I asked God to provide an opportunity for a conversation about faith and that He would equip me for it. Be careful what you pray for. Because I am in WAY over my head.

I have to admit. I prayed for this.

I think.

I asked God to provide an opportunity for a conversation about faith and that He would equip me for it.

Be careful what you pray for. Because I am in WAY over my head.

I knew I would be in the company of an atheist. I know his family. I have genuine respect and affection for this family. That’s an understatement.

God is good.

also an understatement.

Because the opportunity was blatantly obvious. I can’t help but think of John Bender right now. “I couldn’t ignore it if I tried.”

Somehow, in a house full of people, we found ourselves engaged in an isolated one on one conversation. I discovered a surprising background in Christian music. And then. I discovered a surprising common ground: Acceptance of Christ as a personal Savior and Lord.


The atheist used to sing and play Christian music? The atheist was a born-again Christian?

I think a double-take is required here.

The atheist used to sing and play Christian music? The atheist was a born-again Christian?

I had to know more. How? When? Why?

Thankfully, AtypicalAtheist is willing to continue the conversation via email. And has agreed to allow me to post our conversations on my blog. (Notice the pseudonym. I’m going to respect the pseudonym.)

this will NOT be boring.

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