doubt your assumptions. what's the worst thing that could happen?

doubt your assumptions. what’s the worst thing that could happen?

For as long as I can remember, I ask why. And the asking drives me to investigate. If I'm not ...
replying to a comment? forfeit the smackdown and choose influence

replying to a comment? forfeit the smackdown and choose influence

A few months ago, I read a LinkedIn post by an HR professional who was conducting a video interview with ...
We have more in common than not.

We have more in common than not.

I believe we have more in common than not. It doesn't always seem that way at first or at the ...

discounted audiobooks

Monday through Friday, I get a daily email from Chirp ( with the subject line: "Today's audiobook deals" and in ...
no one can do everything

no one can do everything
but everyone can do something.

You may have seen the following letter written by "This is Us" actor, Lonnie Chavis. These images are from his ...
tension and paradox.

tension and paradox.
recognizing valid points on both sides of a complex issue.

When I agree with someone about a point they make, it does NOT follow that I agree with EVERYthing they ...
Don't forfeit your opportunities to influence others.

Don’t forfeit your opportunities to influence others.
part 2: doxing and terminating are easy.

Saw a comment by an HR professional in which they condemned someone for posting a link to a story and ...
Don't forfeit your opportunities to influence others.

Don’t forfeit your opportunities to influence others.
part 1: Dismissing alternative viewpoints doesn't strengthen your argument or your credibility.

Over and over, I see facebook posts by seemingly kind people instructing friends who [they perceive] believe differently than they ...
Our words and actions, whether online or IRL, reveal something of our true beliefs and character.

Our words and actions, whether online or IRL, reveal something of our true beliefs and character.

As often as I see it, I will never be desensitized to adult bullying. It surprises me every time. Especially ...