
ordering my environment.

I wrote a few weeks ago that when my head is a mess, I am compelled to order my environment ...
blend until purple.

blend until purple.

My daily addiction: 1 cup skim milk (90 calories) 1 cup fat free yogurt (any berry flavor) (100 calories) 2 ...
5 minutes for petrified croutons & other science experiments.

5 minutes for petrified croutons & other science experiments.

This post proves that I will do anything to distract myself while trying to get through the last half mile ...
5 minutes. one counter with magical magnetic properties.

5 minutes. one counter with magical magnetic properties.

oh, you get to see the ugly now. My last few 5 minute posts have been in line with my ...
5 minutes. 1 drawer. and a kapoosh.

5 minutes. 1 drawer. and a kapoosh.

Still applying my long time practice of microactions to tackle deep cleaning my kitchen. Today, I had 5 minutes, so ...
how to be the best mom EVER! (for a few minutes anyway)

how to be the best mom EVER! (for a few minutes anyway)

Her children rise up and call her blessed... Proverbs 31:28 ...because she threw frozen chicken wings in a crock pot, ...
5 minutes. 1 drawer: would you like chocolate sprinkles with that?

5 minutes. 1 drawer: would you like chocolate sprinkles with that?

As usual, I don't have time to devote a full day (or 7) to concentrated spring cleaning, so I'm applying ...
penalties or rewards, pleasure or pain.

penalties or rewards, pleasure or pain.

"Everything you and I do, we do either out of our need to avoid pain or our desire to gain ...
Wassail. revised.

Wassail. revised.

(I originally posted this back in December of 2008, but I've made a revision since then. I used to float ...