interpretations welcome.

Last night was a lazy family night. The boys were doing calculus at the kitchen table, PinkGirl was watching Disney’s Cinderella on DVD and I was reading in the recliner.

I must have dozed off.

But it was obviously a REM nap.

I was driving PinkGirl to school, but we had to stop somewhere because the car was having trouble. It turned out to be a different school and there were kids EVERYWHERE. PinkGirl went off to explore while I took care of the car and then all of the sudden, there was never anything wrong with the car, we were just lost and I somehow had a GPS I didn’t have before.

But now I couldn’t find PinkGirl.

I kept calling her on her cell, but she didn’t answer – and she didn’t call me. So I started walking all over the campus looking for her and realized this school overlooked the New York harbor? (No wonder we were lost.) I was walking all over campus, carrying an armful of stuff at this point (Don’t know where it all came from…)

Near the swimming pool, I saw a table along a wall and put all the stuff down to rearrange it so I could carry it more easily. While I’m doing that, I hear PinkGirl say, “May I try the slipper on?” amplified over the loud speaker.

Cinderella MermaidI turn around and discover she’s in an aquatic performance of Disney’s Cinderella. So I just stand there and watch the rest of the performance with the rest of the audience.

When she’s done and changed and finally comes out to meet her adoring fans, I asked her, “WHY didn’t you tell me where you were and what you were doing?!” She said “Mom. There was no time. I wandered in just after Cinderella got sick. I had to volunteer.”

of course she did.

‪#‎ilovemydaughter‬ ‪#‎weird‬